Junior Buyer


  • You will be responsible to manage European Tenders for the construction of the Princess Elisabeth Island under the supervision of a Senior Buyer.
  • You will also work on the Elia Group (Elia-50Hertz) Category Management. One or more categories will be assigned to the candidate in function of the needs.
  • You report to the Procurement Team Leader responsible for large projects in Belgium considering the high volatility of the workload on each individual project, the service will be able to work on several projects in parallel.
  • You will contribute to the category management activities by:
  1. Collecting general market information
  2. Centralising information about the Elia Group Large Projects
  3. Elaborating a general category strategy
  4. Developing a supplier communication plan
  • Tendering under EU procurement Law
  1. You will be preparing the definition of needs with the stakeholders
  2. Preparing all the commercial documents (Qualification questionnaire, Price sheets, evaluation sheets, …)
  3. Coordinating the preparation of all other Tender documents: Technical specifications with the technical Team / EPC Contract Template with the Legal department / Maintenance scope during & after EPC Warranty Period
  • You will be leading the procurement process, including:
  1. Publish the Contract Notice on the TED
  2. Coordinate the Selection of the candidates (Selection phase)
  3. Coordinate the tender phase: Bid Comparison and evaluation / Clarification / Negotiation with Bidders
  4. Prepare recommendation papers and presentations
  • You will be ensuring the compliance with the EU Procurement Legislation in close cooperation with the Legal Department.

Jouw profiel

  • Master with a technical (Civil or industrial engineer), commercial or Legal orientation
  • Experience in following areas is an asset:
  1. Negotiated Procedure under EU Procurement Law
  2. Offshore investment projects (Platforms, Offshore cable laying,…)
  3. High Voltage Submarine Cables
  4. Negotiation of Turnkey/EPC contracts A very good level of English (Minimum C1) is required.
  • A very good level of English (Minimum C1) is required.
  • Knowledge of Dutch and/or French is not a must but would be an asset.
  • Leadership
  • Ability to work in a Team and to Lead a complex process
  • Efficient and strong communicator in an international environment
  • Objective oriented
  • Problem solver
  • Ensure efficiency in a reliable and sustainable way
  • High development potential with ability to learn on the workplace
  • Usual software’s (MS Office - MS Project -…)
  • De uitvoering van de aankoopcontracten tot aan de betaling opvolgen (hoeveelheid, kwaliteit, leveringstermijnen, ...)
  • De leveranciers en producten evalueren (audits, tevredenheidsenquêtes, staalname, ...) en verbeteringen voorstellen
  • De bevoorradingsbehoeften van de onderneming identificeren en de markt van de leveranciers en producten prospecteren of analyseren
  • Inschrijvingen op de aanbestedingen analyseren en evalueren of de leveranciers aan de vraag kunnen voldoen
  • Aanbestedingen of lastenboeken voor leveranciers of dienstverleners opstellen
  • Prijzen en leveringstermijnen van producten onderhandelen met de leveranciers
  • Gegevens actualiseren (markttendensen, nieuwe producten, referenties van de leveranciers, ...)


  • A fulltime job, payroll or freelance
  • An interesting project with autonomy and responsibility
  • On site support and follow up of your mission
  • A chance to work on change and sustainable projects
  • Interesting missions for leading companies/projects
  • You will be at the steering wheel of your carreer supported by our experience
  • Working from home 2/3 days in the week


Christophe Thomas
0475 29 40 69