Commercialization Marketer Benelux


  • Develop and maintain in store product assortment and marketing tools;
  • Develop and roll-out 360° marketing and branding campaigns to drive sales and margin;
  • Collaborate with dealers to grow our online product offering and to improve e-commerce;
  • Manage and maintain the local price list in collaboration with the EMEA pricing manager;
  • Coordinate customer events, develop promotional campaigns and follow up on ROI;
  • Launch new products supported with necessary marketing materials;
  • Develop sustainable growth in both dealer and industrial channel;
  • Product assortment expansion based on white spot analysis;
  • Provide internal training for new product introductions;
  • Implement and maintain the local digital ecosystem and digital tools;
  • Drives lead generation and cross selling in both dealer and industry channel;
  • Executes all marketing activities in accordance with the brand guidelines;
  • Draw up and follow up the local marketing plan and related budget.

Jouw profiel

  • Confident, dynamic senior marketing profile with a digital first mindset;
  • Fluent in Dutch, French and English (verbal/writing);
  • Puts the customer first, starts with the answer and thinks out of the box;
  • Argumentation is based on data analytics (facts & figures);
  • Takes project ownership and has a pro-active attitude;
  • Empathic listener to customers and co-workers;
  • Occasional traveling and customer visits;
  • Knowledge about our products and construction in general is a big plus.
  • Acties uitvoeren ter ondersteuning van het personeelsbeheer (aanwerving, opleiding, ...)
  • De promotiecampagne van de producten uitdenken en opstarten
  • Technische ondersteuning bieden aan commerciële krachten bij de lancering van commerciële actieplannen
  • Marketingoperaties van een website coördineren
  • Promotiemiddelen voor de producten uitdenken en de uitwerking controleren
  • Strategieën voor fondsenverwerving voor een goed doel of vereniging opstellen
    Campagnes voor fondsenwerving sturen


Silke Van Dam
+32 472 09 19 42