Environmental Permitting Consultant


We are now looking for a driven and resourceful environmental professional with experience in environmental permitting, not only for permits related to SME projects but also for challenging large projects in for example the manufacturing or chemical sector.

  • Prepare environmental permit requests for challenging large projects in different industrial sectors, mainly working for international clients
  • Coordination and QA/QC of assessments required in context of permit application (e.g. noise, air, environmental impact assessments)
  • Organize and attend meetings with stakeholders and the regulator in context of the environmental permitting projects
  • When opportunities arise, get involved in Environmental Due Diligence, Environmental Compliance and Environmental Du Diligence
  • Mentor junior environmental employees of the Ramboll Belgium team.
  • Sharing in and contributing to the overall development of Ramboll in Benelux and abroad, especially on the Environmental Services. This includes undertaking business development and sales initiatives, with support of other Senior Ramboll staff as required.
  • Developing the Ramboll international profile by participation in and taking initiatives into the Ramboll international network.

In general, you have the desire to succeed and thrive, to ensure that our services are above the rest in the competitive field of environmental and health consulting.

Jouw profiel

  • Experience with Environmental Compliance (audits)
  • Experience with Environmental Due Diligence
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Sustainability

Ideal candidates will have 5+ years of relevant work experience gained within Flanders, preferrable some of it in consulting, and will be fluent in Dutch and English.

  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
  • Verontreinigde oppervlakken, ruimtes en plaatsen desinfecteren via verstuiving of verneveling
  • Gebruikers sensibiliseren voor het correct sorteren van afval en voor het respecteren van de regels van netheid en hygiëne op de openbare weg
  • Afval, voorwerpen en vuilnis sorteren en opslaan (papier, metaal, plastic, karton, huishoudelijk afval, ...)
  • De schoonmaakronde vaststellen (planning, volgorde van de ronde, ...)
    Het gereedschap klaarmaken (schoppen, bezems, tangen, ...)
  • Huishoudelijk en industrieel afval en grofvuil ophalen
    Bakken, containers en vuilnisbakken leegmaken
  • Beschadigingen aan stedelijke ruimtes of het materieel voor afvalinzameling vaststellen
    De verantwoordelijke informeren
  • Toezicht houden op de toepassing van de reglementen m.b.t. openbare hygiëne en netheid van stedelijke ruimtes
  • Technieken voor selectief sorteren doorgeven en sensibiliseringsacties opzetten
  • Stadsmeubilair, hekken, materieel voor markten, ceremonies en verkiezingen plaatsen, verwijderen en onderhouden
  • Materieel voor afvalinzameling schoonmaken en onderhouden
  • Het selectief sorteren in bakken, laadbakken en containers controleren
  • Toezicht houden in een recyclagepark
    De aard van het afval, grofvuil en compost controleren
  • Stedelijke ruimtes reinigen en grondig schoonmaken (openbare wegen, markten, openbare gevels, stadsmeubilair, ...)
  • Groenzones en bermen schoonmaken en onderhouden
  • Openbare pleinen en straten vegen
    Afval, uitwerpselen en bladeren opruimen of verzamelen
  • Met mechanische en gemotoriseerde machines schoonmaken


From Day 1 you will be welcomed to the multidisciplinary team with the opportunity to collaborate with other experts in your field internationally, pursuit your interests and follow a personal career plan. You will have access to internal and external training to support your development.

We have operated a hybrid working policy for years now so you can split your time between home and the office in Oudenaarde or Visé (Luik), as well as a flexible working policy to allow you to manage your hours worked across the week to match your personal needs and professional time more closely.

We will offer you a salary that matches your experience and expertise in line with our other consultants' and top it with a yearly bonus. We will contribute substantially to your pension, and you will have full health and pension insurances. You will have 20 days of annual leave, plus 6 compensation days, in addition to statutory holidays for Belgium (plus 1 extra day per 2 years of service, to a maximum of 4 extra days). In addition to a daily lunch benefit, we will of course cover any representation costs for this role and can support you with your commute.


Renske Desmet