Service/Aftersales manager


  • Dealer Training: Develop and implement comprehensive training programs for our dealers and service partners, ensuring they are equipped with the latest product knowledge and service techniques. Developing a strong relationship with our dealers and service partners will be very important
  • Administration: Manage administrative tasks related to warranty claims, including processing and documentation to ensure timely resolution.
  • Technical Support: Provide technical expertise and support to dealers, service partners and internal teams, addressing complex service issues and implementing solutions.
  • Inventory Management: Oversee the ordering and inventory management of spare parts, ensuring adequate stock levels to support service operations.
  • Quality Assurance: Setup the necessary processes and streamline communication from the field to bring the feedback from the customer to our internal operations. This should be done in strong cooperation with the Quality Manager, to uphold and improve our quality standards and customer satisfaction.
  • Stakeholder Management: Working closely with the Aftersales Officer, the Quality Manager, the Engineering Manager and the Sales Managers.
  • Performance Analysis: Monitor key performance indicators and metrics to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance service efficiency and effectiveness.

Jouw profiel

  • Good communication skills, willingness to learn and to adapt to a rapidly evolving and challenging yet rewarding environment.
  • Strong technical knowledge is a must, knowledge of electric cars is a plus.
  • Strong commercial skills and a customer-centric mindset.
  • Organizational and cross functional awareness
  • Ability to manage day-to-day responsibilities as well as carry out strategic actions.
  • Strong MS Office skills (e.g., data analysis).
  • At ease with any ERP software (knowledge of Ridder IQ would be a plus).
  • Languages: English mandatory. Dutch, French and/or German are an asset.
  • Willingness to travel (⚠ – ⚠%) within Europe.
  • Technical Master's degree or equivalent through experience.
  • Experience in a technical oriented commercial environment is required.
  • Minimum ⚠ - ⚠ years of management experience, preferably in a service manager role.
  • Klanten: Bedrijven
  • Opvolggegevens van de activiteiten registreren
    Jaarrapporten opstellen
    Verbeteringen voorstellen
  • Acties van de commerciële dienst, logistieke dienst, productieafdeling, ... coördineren bij de lancering van nieuwe producten of promotiecampagnes
  • Key accounts opvolgen
  • Oplossingen voorstellen als antwoord op de klachten van de klanten of het dossier doorsturen naar de geschillendienst, de logistieke dienst, ...
  • Klantendossiers administratief opvolgen (controle van de betalingen, leveringen, ...)
  • Prestatie-indicatoren voor de dienst uitwerken
    De resultaten analyseren
    Aanpassingen doorvoeren
  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
  • De opmerkingen van de klanten verzamelen en doorsturen naar de dienst productie, marketing, onderzoek, ontwikkeling, ...
  • Uitwerken van of bijdragen aan de klantenstrategie
    De jaaractieplannen en de doelstellingen van de dienst bepalen
  • Acties uitvoeren ter ondersteuning van het personeelsbeheer (aanwerving, opleiding, ...)
  • Domein: Internetverkoop
  • Domein: Postorderverkoop
  • Klanten: Key accounts
  • Kwaliteitsprocedures van de klantendienst uitwerken of verder uitwerken
    Controleren of kwaliteitsprocedures toegepast worden
  • Klanten: Particulieren
  • Uitwerken van middelen voor informatieverwerking en communicatie
    De aanpassing van informatiesystemen voorstellen


  • Opportunity to participate in an ambitious project
  • Pleasant atmosphere within a dynamic environment
  • Working in a full-tim regim (⚠h) - contact of indefinite duration
  • Attractive salary plus fringe benefits + ⚠ ADV days per year
  • Easy access to the E⚠ motorway


Amber Brown
+⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠